Jen’s story is now a book!

Jen’s story is now a book!

Someone has been busy…
One of our founders, Jennifer, has been working on telling her story for quite a while now. She recently finished her book and it is available on Amazon. 15% of all proceeds will go towards funding Ella’s memorial grant project.

“I always wanted to write a book and get it published. I never thought it would be a nonfiction book, but life plans never are what you intended. Crossed a thing off my bucket list!
It took over 4 years to write because parts of it I had to take a break after writing. They were hard and emotional. I made a promise to Ella that I would share her story. So it is all of our stories -mine, Ella, Oliver, and Olivia’s.”

‘Rainbow after many storms’ is available on Amazon in many formats. Signed copies are available by reaching out to us at