Diane’s Story

Diane’s Story

I always thought I would be a young grandmother. I have four daughters. Two of them were born when I was very young. My oldest daughter decided not to have children and my second daughter died in a car accident when she was 17. Then, in my sixties, my third daughter Jennifer decided to have a baby. I thought my dream was finally coming true! I had worked with children all my life and was fully prepared to be a grandmother. I was excited to think of all the things we could do together.

Sadly, the miscarriages happened over and over again. My joy turned to sorrow watching my daughter and son-in-law ride this roller coaster of heartbreak. Each time my daughter told us she was pregnant, we would be happy only to have hopes dashed again. Then, Ella was on her way. It was the longest time Jen had carried a baby. I was very happy but worried. I couldn’t enjoy this time because of the fears in the back of my mind. Wondering how my daughter and son-in-law could survive another loss was always in my thoughts.

When Ella was born sleeping it crushed all our dreams. It was a devastating loss for our family. Grieving this baby broke my heart. It was so sad to watch Jen and Chris suffer another heartbreak. I knew from experience that the loss of a child affects everything, even your marriage. I wondered how they would survive, but they did.

They started the surrogacy process with all its ups and downs. The expenses, emotional and physical aspects of surrogacy sometimes seemed unsurmountable. Jen and Chris found a wonderful surrogate and she became pregnant with twins, a boy, and a girl. I felt for Jen. I knew she was overjoyed, but also sad she couldn’t carry them herself.

Oliver and Olivia came into this world on February 16th. We were over the moon. Falling in love with them was easy. They joined our family and made it complete. It was a very long road, but there was finally a bright light at the end of the tunnel. We will always remember Ella and the others. I am so glad Jen and Chris never gave up. My dreams and prayers were finally answered! Sometimes, there is a rainbow after the storm.