Diane’s Story

I always thought I would be a young grandmother. I have four daughters. Two of them were born when I was very young. My oldest daughter decided not to have children and my second daughter died in a car accident when she was 17. Then, in my sixties, my third daughter Jennifer decided to have a baby. I thought my dream was finally coming true!

By |2024-03-25T11:10:25-04:00September 12, 2021|Grandparent's Day, Personal Story|Comments Off on Diane’s Story

Father’s Day

My name is Chris, and I am a co-founder of It Takes a Herd. This upcoming weekend, some will celebrate Father’s Day with their dad by their side. While for others, this day can bring sadness and complicated emotions. My wife & I have struggled through infertility, multiple pregnancy losses, and one stillbirth. I’d like to take a moment to share my story.

By |2024-03-25T10:47:07-04:00June 13, 2021|Bereaved Father's Day, Personal Story|Comments Off on Father’s Day
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